Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

List Of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Technology

Orbital Elevator System

A simplified diagram depicting an orbital elevator tower.

Necessitated under high-level energy consumption as a renewable alternative to the dwindling fossil fuel supplies, the Orbital Elevator System (軌道エレベーター Kidō Erebeitaa?), shortened as Oribital EV (軌道EV Kidō EV?), is a megastructure originally planned by Aeolia Schenberg in 2090 to function in the combined capacity of a space elevator and a solar power satellite. It consists of two geostationary rings, equidistantly supported at 10 and 40 thousand kilometers above the equator by three 50-thousand-kilometer-high compressive elevator towers that terminate in ballast satellites. The top ring is lined with a photovoltaic array, and the towers act to carry the energy it supplies to the surface. The whole of the construct is shielded from meteoroids, space debris, corrosion, weathering, geomagnetic storms, radiation (from the Van Allen belt or otherwise), and assorted other deteriorative agents with the use of a physical energy barrier. It is defended by the collective military forces of the nations invested in its function.

Presently used for civilian space tourism, the elevators also act as a stepping stone to the ongoing international pursuit of space colonization. The progress upon this endeavor is unspecified, and currently there are only a handful of colonies, including Celestial Being's Krung Thep and the Human Reform League's Quanqiu. The Union also maintains a colony, and the AEU, while lagging behind in colony development, is financing both the Reform League and the Union in their respective development projects.

The three dominant supranational powers responsible for system's construction and operation -- the Union, the Human Reform League, and the AEU -- have presently imposed a global boycott of fossil fuels so to better monopolize the energy distribution market. They are each located in South America, Africa, and on top of the Pacific Ocean.

Union Orbital Elevator

The orbital elevator controlled by the Union (ユニオン軌道エレベーター Union Kidou Erebeitaa?) is situated near the border of the modern-day states of Brazil and Colombia within the Amazon Basin. It was the first of the elevators to become operational, completed in 2297.

HRL Orbital Elevator

Heaven's Pillar (天柱 Tenchū?), the orbital elevator controlled by the Human Reform League, is situated on an artificial island near the real-life nation of Nauru, north of the Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean. It was the second of the elevators to become operational, completed in 2297.

AEU Orbital Elevator

Break Pillar, the orbital elevator controlled by the Advanced European Union (AEU軌道エレベーター AEU Kidou Erebeitaa?) is situated west of Lake Victoria, near the border of the real-life African states of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. By 2307, it is incomplete. In 2312, the Africa Tower is taken over by a coup d'état against the Earth Sphere Federation's A-Laws force. The tower itself was largely destroyed after taking a glancing hit from a second Memento Mori superweapon and large volumes of debris began falling to Earth as a result of the tower's auto-purge initiation program. The damage inflicted to the surface was reduced, albeit still immense, after Celestial Being, Katharon, the Federation Army (both loyalists and rebels) and Kati Mannequin's A-Laws detachment worked together to shoot down the falling debris and save numerous cities in the fallout area. The elevator is still connected to space, albeit most of its outer shell has been purged and has likely fallen to Earth. It took four months to repair the electrical system but the linear train system is incomplete.

Mobile Suit Technology

In the Mobile Suit Gundam 00, a mobile suit is a multipurpose humanoid vehicle deployable for use as an AFV in mechanized maneuver warfare. Originally designed for construction-related purposes and the handling of heavy cargo. Aeolia Schenberg is credited for devising the technology as an accessory to the Orbital Elevator System.

Beam Technology

Beam technology (ビーム技術 Biimu Gijutsu?) within Mobile Suit Gundam 00 has yet to come into conventional use. The Gundams are the first line of mobile suits to practically employ beam-based firearms and melee weapons on the battlefield. Standard mobile unit projectile weapons continue to be of the physical round variety. Generic beam composition is unknown as of this time, but it is supposed that the Gundams utilize GN particles.


E-Carbon (Eカーボン E Kaabon?) is an artificial allotrope of carbon, employed as the armor material of numerous recent-make conventional mobile units. Said to be one of the newest and strongest materials available.

Solar Energy Mobile Suits

Solar energy mobile suits (太陽光エネルギーモビルスーツ Taiyou-Kou Enerugii Mobiru Suutsu?) are designed to take advantage of the energy provided by the orbital elevators. It is mentioned in the novel version that these Mobile suits can receive energy directly from the orbital elevators by means of radio wave. The AEU Enact is one such unit.[1]

GN Science

In the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 universe, the organization known as Celestial Being has pioneered a systemization of the engineering and physics behind the GN Drive and its byproduct GN particles. Initially exclusive only to Celestial Being, the technology is commonplace in the narrative. According to the Mobile Suit Gundam 00P side-story, GN stands for Gundam Nucleus.

Although derived from a different source, GN particles share their effect and primary usage with Universal Century timeline Minovsky particles. GN Particles are used for a variety of uses—as part of an electromagnetic stealth measure; in a physical barrier system, for use in such circumstances as atmospheric reentry; as a propellant for the GN Vernier; and as a coat that improves the cutting ability of physical blades. All Gundams use the GN Drives.

GN Drive

Referred to as a "solar reactor" (太陽炉 Taiyou-Ro?)[2], or sometimes Solar Furnace. A GN Drive (GNドライヴ GN Doraivu?) is a semi-perpetual generator that outputs GN Particles, developed as a mobile weapon power source by Celestial Being. Though there is a finite energy output per unit time, the absence of a limit to its functional life translates to an effectively inexhaustible supply of energy.[2] Owing to the unique heatlessness of its activity and the special properties of its byproduct GN particles, device operation is virtually invisible to such methods of detection as IRST or conventional radar.[2] These drives are used in conjunction with a TD Blanket, a special filter used in true GN Drives. These unique components not only provide filtering to the GN Drives and prevents the GN Particles from damaging cellular organisms, but also give the GN Drives' their near-infinite energy production capability. This component also prevents other factions from creating true GN Drives of their own, as the TD Blanket can only be manufactured in a location of high atmospheric pressure such as the upper gaseous atmosphere of Jupiter, where the GN Drives were first manufactured. It harnesses the photon and positron discharge of the non-evaporative decay of baryonic matter as an energy source. GN particles are not used in the process of energy production.

GN Drive Tau

GN Drive Tau are known as pseudo-solar reactors (疑似太陽炉 Giji-Taiyou-Ro?) and/or pseudo-solar furnaces, generally known as GN Drive [T]. GN Drive Taus are poor imitations to real GN Drives and incapable of semi-perpetual energy generation or storage because they lack TD Blankets, a component relevant to GN particle generation and utilization. An "imitation" GN Drive. The data used to create Tau Drives came from an expedition to Jupiter where a Haro terminal (later known as the purple Haro that accompanied Team Trinity) was found, which contained data. The Tau Drives were used initially by Team Trinity's Gundam Thrones and later by the three superpowers and eventually the Federation Army and A-Laws. Though functionally similar, Tau Drives lack the TD Blanket component of a true GN Drive. As a result, a GN Drive Tau lacks the self-sustaining perpetual engine capability of a true GN Drive. Unlike the Gundams, which are capable of unlimited operation, any unit equipped with a Tau Drive must periodically shut down and recharge. The particle coloration of a Tau Drive varies from red to gold, unlike the blue-green coloration given off by true GN Drives. High densities of particles given off by Tau Drives have the side-effect of preventing cellular regeneration, an available medical practice of the time. Eventually, the particles' effects will become fatal to a victim. The Innovators have medication that can suppress the Tau particles, but the high density GN particles produced by the Twin Drive can negate and even reverse the effects.

GN Particles

GN Particles are light particles given out by GN Drives. The Gundam with original GN Drives gives out bluish-green particles whereas others such as the Gundam Thrones and the GN-X series mobile suits gives out red GN Particles. GN Particles can cause result in telepathic attributes when one is exposed to a high concentration; Veda humanoid interfaces such as Tieria Erde and the Innovators are confirmed to be able to communicate with each other or connect with Veda through GN particles. Although the link has not yet been firmly established, quantum brain waves used by HRL supersoldiers can be influenced by GN particles. Furthermore, a near-psychic connection can be established with a high concentration of GN particles. Humans exposed to high quantities and/or concentrations of GN particles are known to have developed supernatural capabilities. While ultra high concentrations can hurt and/or kill a human being (Chall Acustica, Ruido Resonance, Marlene Vlady), concentrated particles to a certain extent can stimulate the evolution of quantum brainwaves (Setsuna F. Seiei). The full extent of the physical changes to the human condition is undefined, but those who are exposed can temporarily detect and/or project the thoughts, feelings, and intentions to other people in a limited area of space (from the source of high GN particles as origin point). It's unclear if quantum brainwave evolution a one-time development or capable for anyone through prolong GN particle exposure. Only the power of Trans-Am Riser is capable of creating such a phenomena. When Setsuna F. Seiei activated the Trans-Am system on his 00 Raiser, the concentration was high enough for him and Saji Crossroad to enter a semi-reality mental dimension, where they were able to hear the "voices" of those in the area. High levels of GN particles have also shown regenerative properties that can even reverse cellular damage caused by GN Tau particles, which cannot be treated by any known medical practices. In extreme cases, prolonged exposure to high concentrations of GN particles causes human beings to undergo innovation, a transformation from a human into an innovator. Traits gained through innovation include quantum brainwaves and the digital rainbow due glowing eyes that are often attributed to innovators. Just as the GN Tau Drive used by the Gundam Thrones and GN-X models is an imperfect version of the true GN Drive, so are the GN Tau Particles imperfect versions of the true GN Particles. Generated by GN Tau Drives, they share most properties with GN Particles (including radio disruption, use in beam weaponry and propellant applications), but do not allow for enhancement of quantum brainwaves. The particles generated by the Tau Drives in 2308 can cause cellular damage when exposed to high concentrations, which cannot be repaired through 24th-century medical science. Louise Halevy's inability to regenerate her hand was caused by exposure to GN Tau Particles from Nena Trinity and her GNW-003 Gundam Throne Drei, and it is possible that her current health conditions also stem from the cellular damage caused by the attack. Eventually, the effects of the Tau particles will become fatal to the victim. However, the effects can be suppressed. Also, the Twin Drive is able to slow and possibly reverse the effects of the Tau particles.

At its core, the GN Particles produced by the Tau Drives are essentially the same as the original's. The main difference in appearance and effects come in the compression rates and the treatment given to them. Since the Tau Drives have electrical consumptions concerns when producing particles, they produced less on average and can afford less on beams. In order to maximize their power, the GN particles undergo a special treatment which greatly improves their efficiency in beam weapons. However, a side effect of prolonged exposure is radiation poisoning when the subject is exposed to high concentrations of the particles - almost exclusively found in beams. The normal emissions of the Tau Drives in 2308 themselves are harmless.

By 2312 the GN Tau Drives have been improved and no longer produce the same hazardous radiation poisoning effects even in beam form.

GN Tau Particles are blood-red and black in color (Gundam Throne, Arche Gundam, GN-X). The GN Particles from the improved GN Drive Tau are orange (Alvaaron, Ahead, Gadessa, etc.).

Trans-Am System

Exia utilizing the Trans-Am System

The Trans-Am System is a system that temporarily removes the 'limiter' on the true GN Drives. Under normal operation, the limiter reduces the output of the GN Drives while the drives themselves store up any excess GN Particles created inside GN Condensers. With the limiter deactivated, the GN Drives can then operate at their full power by releasing all of their stored particles instantaneously. These stored particles saturate the frame of the mobile suit to give it a reddish hue, and the abilities of the unit are increased threefold while the system is active. However, this boost in performance is only temporary as once all the released energy and particles dissipate, the GN Drives must replace the spent energy and the unit will perform at a reduced capacity until the energy is replaced. It has been recently shown that a Trans-Am-like mode is possible with fake GN Drives too, but has a shorter time limit than the real ones, since the fake drives have limited energy. Unlike true GN drives, which simply operate at a reduced capacity after Trans-Am has ended, Trans-Am derived from false GN Drives risk rendering the mobile suit inoperable due to lack of particles. A hidden Trans-Am derived system on the 00-Raiser, known as Trans-Am Burst, is known to only activate when the pilot, a true Innovator, uses their quantum brainwaves to link to the Twin Drive System. This is perhaps best demonstrated when Setsuna unconsciously activates it when going against the Innovators. The full effects of Trans-Am Burst is still unknown, but the system is known to cover a large area with a high density of purified GN Particles that disrupts quantum brainwaves of Innovades.The Twin Drives produce massive amounts of GN particles in a rainbow-like hue, streaming from them in waves. There is enough particles to envelop a battlefield. Also, the GN particles are able to halt the cellular mutation of the GN Tau particles.

Twin Drive System

The "Twin Drive System" is a 200 year old GN technology concept originally devised by Aeolia Schenberg[3], and currently in use exclusively in the 00 Gundam (although it was later stole by the Innovators later stole the data from Celestial Being and reversed engineered the design to work on the Reborns Gundam to uses two Tau Drives in a Twin Drive as well). The system utilizes two GN Drives with a synchronized GN particle production rate as the basis for the system's operation, which creates a synchronization of the topological defects in the two GN Drives. This ultimately produces a synergy in which the total output of both drives is squared (by coupling the drives' production).

The Twin Drive mechanism will not function with just any two GN Drives - each GN drive is unique in some way and these differences can prevent the system from reaching a stable level of synchronization (Even though GN Drives have been seen in different shapes and sizes, these differences are believed to be more than cosmetic as the inner mechanics of a GN Drive is unknown and have not been seen). Every combination of the drives from 0 Gundam, Kyrios, Dynames and Virtue failed to operate the system, and only the combination of the drives from Exia and 0 Gundam were able to reach a synchronization level that allowed the system to stabilize and power the Twin Drive System. However, even after stabilizing the system, the system itself was still very unstable and activating the Trans-Am System risked a system overload. It was only until the 0 Raiser was used in conjunction with the 00 that the system could be fully stabilized and the Trans-Am system made safe to use.

While Federation mobile weapons have been shown with more than one GN Drive Tau (the GNMA-XCVII Alvatore mobile armor had seven), they only operate in series so they lack the amplification effect of the Twin Drive system. The combined output of multiple GN Drive Tau's is merely the sum of the outputs of the individual drives rather than the square of the combined output shown in the Twin Drive System.

This produces a 'synergy' in which both drives' combined productivity is squared (by coupling the drives' production). The 0-Raiser can stabilize the twin drive system and it also amplifies the time limit for Trans-Am mode.When Trans-Am utilize the full potential of the Twin Drive System, GN particles scattered within the area creates a telepathic effect to those around them. Humans in close proximity will temporarily develop the ability to sense the minds and voices of other people. Those who understand how to take advantage of this benefit can anticipate the intentions and actions of others within a limited field area. Exposing to this concentration of GN particles for a long time will allow a person to permanently develop ability to use Quantum Brainwave (e.g. Setsuna).

Twin Drive Mathematics(Synchronization Percentage * X)^2 = Particle Output Where is the number of drives being synchronized.



Veda (Sanskrit वेद, véda, "knowledge") is the supercomputer of Celestial Being, located in the colony ship of the same name stationed near the Moon. It is a highly advanced form of artificial intelligence based on real developing technologies of quantum processing. Veda is interlinked throughout all of Celestial Being's computers, including the Gundams. The Gundams themselves possess an operating system that's interlinked with Veda for tactical adaptation and mobile suit combat. The name "Veda" may be a reference to the Vedas, a collection of ancient Hindu scriptures.

Due to suspicious tampering with Veda itself, Sumeragi had her staff create a backup system in the event Veda was hacked again. This system was helpful when Alejandro Corner managed to find Veda.[4] Alejandro nearly had the Gundam Meisters killed when he overrode the Gundam's systems, but Sumeragi had the Gundams disconnect from Veda and coordinate on their own.[4] It is later revealed that Veda was directly linked to Aeolia Schenberg's dormant body, and is programmed with a system trap should Aeolia's body be harmed in any way. This safety program was eventually activated when Aeolia Schenberg was killed, unlocking the original Gundams' Trans-Am System while erasing all info on the four Gundam Meisters.

Veda is linked to the world's net, making it capable of absorbing a vast amount of data. It is unclear if Veda is capable of hacking since other Celestial Being members hacked for info; Veda is known to have classified government information. It is unknown whether the information was given by Celestial Being observers, done by itself or a combination of both.

Its inter-network systems are no different that modern internet LAN systems, but on more complex scales. Veda can communicate with the Haros of Celestial Being, but it is unclear whether Veda has influence or merely communicates with them; it would explain the Haros' ability to perform complex tasks and reflective thoughts to the Meisters. Veda's systems are linked with the Gundams and provide tactical knowledge as well as remote control with the Gundams.

Although Veda is an all powerful A.I. construct, it is still just an advanced operating system. Like all software, it can be altered or controlled. It is revealed that Veda has 7 layers of barriers for such a situation, but was still no match by the likes of Ribbons Almark. Sensitive data pertaining the profiles of the Gundam Meister's, GN Drives, and Celestial Being's mobile suit designs were taken due to unauthorized infiltration. Veda has been manipulated with certain commands that affects through all operations of Celestial Being.

The existence of bio-terminals, called the Innovators, can telepathically connect with Veda, through use of quantum brainwaves and GN particles as a catalyst. They can use this ability to great effect, like locating one of their own. When the Innovators connect to Veda, their eyes glow in a digital rainbow due. It has been hinted in interviews with director Seiji Mizushima that Veda is the primary cause for the world's current situation, including why Solar power is more commonplace than Nuclear energy (in order to prevent mankind from destroying itself) and the splitting of the world into the three power blocs (something of a proto-form of a unified world).

It's unclear how Veda screens and evaluate for recruitment, but the majority of everyone who ever joined Celestial Being were chosen by Veda. Veda somehow noticed very specific people and entrusted them the secrecy of Celestial Being. From the Gundam Meister's to the crew members and agents, they were all chosen by Veda for their qualities. Apparently Veda doesn't calculate teamwork into the equation as the Meister's are prone to bicker and even went so far was nearly killing each other in several incidents.

It is also known that those selected might not have agreed willingly, such as Gundam Meisters Marlene Vlady and Fon Spark. Several others were drafted into Celestial Being against their will. Those untrustworthy (and yet operatives) to Celestial Being were given explosive neck braces which detonate when they become a serious threat. Marlene was eventually deemed trustworthy and had her explosive removed.

In episode 24 of the second season, Tieria Erde recaptures Veda from Ribbons Almack. Ultimately, Regene Regetta gave Tieria Ribbons' access code, allowing Tieria to cut off Ribbons' link to Veda and also Ribbons' control of Veda.

Jumat, 20 November 2009

Orbital Elevator

Hal lain yang juga ia (Arthur C Clarke) lihat akan muncul pada masa depan adalah lift atau elevator angkasa. Ini adalah kabel besar yang akan dipasang untuk menghubungkan Bumi dan antariksa, dan melalui kabel itulah nanti akan dikirim muatan ke wahana antariksa dengan menggunakan kendaraan elektromagnetik. (Ninok Leksono, Kompas, 12/06/2008)

pada gundam 00 di ceritakan pada tahun 2307 ad dimana bahan bakar fosil (minyak bumi,gas alam,dll) sudah mulai habis dan distribusi nya sudah nggak berimbang. nah, entah apa hubungannya kemudian di bangun sebuah elevator yang dinamakan “orbital elevator” dengan ketinggian 50000 km, dimana elevator ini menembus langit hingga ke luar angkasa dengan solar power generation system. orbital elevator ada 3 di bumi dan masing-masing dikuasai sebuah kubu dan terbagi menjadi 3 kekuatan pusat. yg pertama, union (terdiri dari usa, australia dan jepang), the human reform League/hra (terdiri dari china, mongolia, russia , south east asia termasuk papua new guinea and india dengan the semenanjung korea dan taiwan), dan advanced european union/aeu (terdiri dari uni eropa, africa). karena elevator tersebut sangat rentan, maka masing-masing grup hanya mementingkan kepentingan nya sendiri dan dunia terpecah menjadi 3, dan terjadilah perang.

sebetulnya siapa arthur c clarke ini. sejak kecil hobinya membaca fiksi ilmiah. tentu saja bermodalkan dengkul kayak gitu itu tidak cukup untuk bisa meramalkan masa depan.

dia pernah meramalkan tentang lahirnya komunikasi seluler (mobile), dalam majalah Life tahun 1962 clarke juga telah menyinggung adanya perpustakaan elektronik, dan tentu saja hal tersebut sudah menjadi kenyataan.

dia juga yang menulis buku eksplorasi ruang angkasa, buku ini kemudian dipakai oleh wernher von braun, seorang pelopor roket, untuk meyakinkan presiden john f kennedy bahwa perjalanan ke bulan itu bukan merupakan suatu hal yang mustahil, dan kemudian jfk pun berpidato:

„First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him back safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.“[1]

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Film to Open in Japan in 2010 (Updated)

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Film to Open in Japan in 2010 (Updated)

The 25th and last episode of Sunrise's Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season science-fiction television anime series has announced on Sunday that a Mobile Suit Gundam 00 film will open in Japanese theaters in 2010. The announcement came in the form of a title card at the end of the series finale. Hagane no Renkinjutsushi Fullmetal Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood), the second television adaptation of Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist dark fantasy manga, will take over Gundam 00's 5:00 p.m. Sunday timeslot starting next week on April 5.

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed and Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny were the last two Gundam television series before Gundam 00. Sunrise had announced at the Sony Music Anime Fes '06 event in May of 2006 that a Mobile Suit Gundam Seed theatrical film was in the works. However, no release date has been announced for that project, and even its "Gekijō-ban Kidō Senshi Gundam Seed" (Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Movie Edition) title was a tentative name from the beginning.

Bandai Entertainment televised the first Gundam Seed series on America's Cartoon Network and the first season of Gundam 00 on the Sci Fi Channel through Manga Entertainment. It is also streaming the first episodes of Gundam 00 on the Youtube video-streaming website.

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Mobile Suit Gundam 00: "Gundam Meister" Review

Much better than its predecessor, but there's still room for improvement.

The pilot episode didn't do much to differentiate this series from its predecessors in the Gundam franchise. The second try is a lot more informative, and a lot more fun, but the series still hasn't hit its stride yet.

This installment opens with brief bit of narrative setup that gives us a better idea of the setting for the series. The year is 2307, and a solar power generation system based on orbital elevators has recently been completed, ushering in a new era of energy stability. There are three major political factions in this world: The Union, The Human Reform League, the A.E.U (Advanced European Union). Celestial Being has formed with the goal of becoming the force that will unify the splintered factions and put an end to war, once and for all. This is all useful information that would have made the first episode make a lot more sense.

Other useful information given in this episode include the full names of some of some of the main characters. We've got Graham Aker (the blond) and Billy Katagiri (the fellow with the unfortunate ponytail). They're two members of the Union, and part of a research team developing mobile suits. They're apparently best buds, and so far they've only been seen together. They, like everyone else, are trying to figure out how Celestial Being popped up without any warning, using the most advanced weapons in the world without any apparent support from a powerful nation. It's later revealed that the leader of Celestial Being has a name, Aeolia Schenberg, and he's supposed to have been dead for 200 years.

The rest of the episode focuses on some Gundam battle action. Celestial Being interferes in a long-standing "ethnic conflict" in what used to be Sri Lanka, destroying enemies on both sides of the war. The action scenes in Sri Lanka are well done with smooth animation, but once again the show fails to give us something to separate it from the countless Gundam battles of the past. The show also spends a lot of time showing us the preparations for action, without much action. The catapult sequence is unnecessarily detailed, long, and boring.

Besides the action, there's a lot of political buildup as well. It's very obvious that the show is going for some contemporary military and world event themes, and in that respect it's starting to resemble another mech series, Gasaraki. An interesting moment in the show is when the President of the Union, referring to Celestial Being, says something to the effect of "We intervene in other nations' conflicts for our own people's safety and for national interest. We are not running a charity." (not an exact quote, but it captures the gist). This is looking like a series that is heavily influenced by interventionist politics, particularly relevant in this post-9/11 world. The show could deliver some interesting political commentary, if it can find a way to execute its themes better.

The most hilarious moment of the series so far is when Lockon's orange Haro taunts him with, "Sucks to be you, sucks to be you". For those of you who aren't familiar with the Gundam franchise, the robotic Haros are kind of the mascot of the shows, and they're basically a more hilarious but less useful version of R2 units from Star Wars.

The episode ends with Aker showing up in a mobile suit to challenge Setsuna, which would've been cool if he didn't deliver a cheesy line with his appearance. This dub certainly has its share of cringe-worthy moments.

With the first two episodes, we have a pretty clear idea what the purpose of Celestial Being is. But the characters are still largely a mystery, and it's kind of hard to care about them, outside of the fact that the goal of Celestial Being is noble, though probably misguided.

The show so far definitely has the feeling of some past Gundam series like Gundam Wing (Setsuna is practically a carbon-copy of Heero Yuy). But it remains to be seen if Gundam 00 will add anything new to the franchise, or just rehash old themes that have already been done to death.

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

00 Gundam Technology

The 00 Gundam's arsenal consists of a small assortment of weapons, including GN Beam Sabers and GN Sword II's--a refinement to the GN-001 Gundam Exia's existing Seven Sword technology: in particular, the GN Long & Short Blades. Drawing inspiration from the GN Sword, this weapon incorporates a beam rifle configuration to the melee-oriented GN Blade function giving it much needed projectile-fire capability, along with the traditional hand-held approach for more overall versatility. The GN-Sword II firepower is powerful enough to take out an Ahead mobile suit in one shot.

A tactical drawback of the Twin Drive System is the way the GN Drives are mounted upon 00's shoulders. They aren't shielded and depend on the pilot's capabilities to compensate 00's weaknesses/deficiencies. Should 00 Gundam lose a GN Drive in combat, it can still operate, but have difficulty of executing higher functions because the unit has high GN particle requirements.

Because 00 is a experimental MS, the unit also suffers from power stability issues and requires constant maintenance. 00's Twin Drive System was imperfect and requires 0 Raiser (00 Raiser) to safely execute Trans-Am and provide protection upon the GN Drives. 00 Raiser became the mainstay form of 00 Gundam to effectively combat A-Laws and Innovators enemy mobile units. As 00 Raiser, the unit has greater GN particle generation and the use of the Raiser System.

The Raiser System allows 00 Raiser to execute powerful attacks such as a mega beam saber called Raiser Sword, hyper vector close range combat, and utilize Trans-Am with greater power and duration. 00 Raiser originally needed both its GN Swords to produce Raiser Sword, but was later upgraded with GN Sword III. The new sword was able to utilize the power of the Raiser System to generate a refined Raiser Sword. The power of 00 Raiser is further enhanced with the neural interface of an Innovator pilot. The Innovator pilot can execute Trans-Am Burst, which results in a massive burst of GN particles within a large area of space. Overall, 00 Raiser is a Gundam that exceeds in performance to all mobile suits.

edit Armaments

GN Beam Saber

Stored behind 00 Gundam's waist, when used, the sabers move from vertical position to horizontal position so it's easier to draw them. When drawn, the Beam Saber emits blade of GN particles. Made of pure beam, it's stronger than physical blade; it is affected by atmosphere conditions, causing the beam to disperse and weaken as a result. By changing the energy output, GN Beam Saber can be configured into GN Beam Dagger, used to throw against distant enemies. Because of Setsuna's preference of using his GN Swords, he only uses them as a last resort.

GN Shield

The shield(s) is made of E-Carbon (a very durable material) and infused with GN particles. Combined it with GN Field, it is a formidable defense system. 00 Gundam is equipped with 2 of these shields and can be combined into a bigger shield. The defense strength of the shield is relative to the GN particle output of 00 Gundam. It's used mainly to shield against beam firing as it can be destroyed by beam saber attacks (destroyed by Mr.Bushido/Sakigake). It can be also mounted on 00's shoulders and/or the binders of 0 Raiser. The tips of the shields are sharp and can be attached on 00 Gundam's forearms as katar-like weapons for melee combat. The shield wasn't used much battle as 00 is capable of generating its own GN Field and relied on high-speed combat to avoid hits.

GN Sword II

An improved model of Gundam Exia's main weapon, it can change its function through rotating its front part. There are 3 modes: Rifle Mode to be used as a gun, the physical blade Sword Mode, and Beam Saber Mode which emits blade made of pure beam. The swords can also be combined to become a GN Sword-staff. Even though it can change its function in a second, there's time lag when 00 Gundam drawing the weapon(s), two were given to compensate. The overall capabilities of these features are enhanced through the power of Trans-Am Raiser.

Beam Saber Mode

In its sword mode, the gun aspects of the weapon generates a cutting beam that envelopes the sword, forming a large and powerful beam saber, Raiser Sword. The strength and power is also relative to the GN particle output to its function. This feature was never seen functioning without Trans-Am, suggesting that executing this weapon function is high GN particle consuming ability.

Rifle Mode

The GN Sword II rotates a 90 degree turn (from sword mode) and the hilt bends to become a gun handle. The weapon can fire single pulse shots or rapid fire a hail of light beam fire. Because of the dual functioning aspects the weapon, GN Sword II can fire long distance beams like a traditional beam rifle and/or fire cutting beams (shaped like birds) to cut through enemy units in half.

Sword Mode

The primary function of the weapon, a GN particle infused vibro-blade(s) that can physically penetrate GN Fields and cut through thick armor. The strength and power of the sword is relative to the GN particle output of the weapon. Depending on the GN particles condensed into the blade, the weapon can be weaker than a GN Beam Saber or superior. Two were made and can be combined to become a GN Sword-Staff to enhance the combat capabilities of 00 Gundam.

GN Sword III

The latest addition to 00's arsenal, the GN Sword III is an improved retro design of Gundam Astraea's Proto GN Sword Gundam Exia's GN Sword. The functionality between alternating modes have been improved as it only takes a fraction of a second to switch function modes. The blade is made of the same materials that are used to make GN Condensers, developed through the data of the 00 Seven Sword armaments. The weapon overall was designed to utilize the combat potential of Trans-Am Raiser.

Beam Saber Mode

Like GN Sword II, the gun aspects of the weapon unleashes a cutting beam that envelopes the sword and turn the GN Blade into a massive GN Beam Saber. Combined with the power of Trans-Am Raiser, the sword then becomes the new Raiser Sword, a powerful and massive beam saber that can cut more than 3 battle cruisers.

Rifle Mode

A triple-barrel beam gun, the weapon is able to rapid fire pulse shots. The power of Trans-Am Riser allows the rifle to fire powerful beams at great distances and capable of incinerating space cruisers with a single shot.

Sword Mode

Similar to Exia's GN Sword, GN Sword III is GN particle infused vibro-blade that can penetrate GN Fields and take advantage(s) of the power of Trans-Am Raiser. The new blade was designed to effectively handle against beam saber weapons and its overall length and size has been increased for higher combat efficiency.

edit System Features

GN Field

00 Gundam is capable of generating its own GN Field, created directly from the twin GN drives. The shoulder mounted GN Drives can make a 180 degree face-forward-turn that can create a barrier-like wall of GN particles. The field wall is generated by the swirling GN particles directly from the GN Drives. 00 can generate a traditional full sphere particle GN Field, depending on the combat situation.

Trans-Am System

Trans Am works conjunction with 00’s Twin Drive System, allowing 00 to utilize GN energy at unstable levels. 00 Gundam’s Trans-Am system is capable of generating GN particle output to 2nd power. Due to the experimental design of the Twin Drive System, Trans Am can destabilize the synchronizing process of the GN Drives and/or overwhelm the MS frame and cause an overload, the worse case scenario being the self-destruction of the GN Drives. It was because of such mechanical concerns that Trans-Am was highly recommended not to be used until the system complications are corrected. Ultimately 00 Gundam's technical complications couldn't be corrected without the addition of new equipment. The solution(s) to 00 Gundam's Trans-Am system came in the form of energy stabilizer equipment, built onto 0 Raiser.

When Trans-Am is activated with the 0-Raiser equiped, GN particles would burst concentrated particles within a limited circumference of 00 Raiser. At times, a 00 (signifying 00 and infinity) can be seen when the system is activated. Through the power of synchronized GN Drive Trans-Am power, supernatural-like abilities are given to both 00 Raiser and its pilots. The surrounding battlefield encircling 00 Raiser would give the pilot(s) and its enemy targets the ability to read the thoughts and intentions of others in a limited area. This gives the pilot(s) to temporarily detect and communicate with people around each other telepathically. Multiple exposures to such high grade particles can lead to innovation.

Twin Drive System

The utilization of synchronized GN Drives can create awesome power, but was never successfully developed until now. 00's synchronized Twin Drive System allows 00 for high speed combat and immediate GN Field generation, as well as increased particle output. The power output is so high that it can bend GN energy at a focal direction and push back or block beam shots.

Raiser System

The Raiser System is the peripheral power of 0 Raiser when docked with 00 Gundam. In the 00 Raiser form, synchronous particle generation reaches 100% production (approx 87% without 0 Raiser) and gives 00 Gundam enhanced speed and power; while 0 Raiser can be used without a pilot, it requires one for complicated functions when it comes to calibrations, system adjustments, and mechanical control to effectively utilize the system. It's an overall massive GN particle charge that allows 00 Raiser to perform high energy consuming functions such as the Trans-Am Raiser System.

Trans-Am Raiser

Trans-Am Raiser is the execution of Trans-Am System in conjunction with 00's Twin Drive System in its 00 Raiser form. With 0 Raiser's GN particle stabilizer/regulator equipment, Trans-Am can be safely executed and the GN particle output is enhanced approximately 300%; GN particle generation is known to reach higher thresholds, 7x and beyond. When activated, 00 Raiser seemingly (duration relative to plot, undefined/unproven specs) can utilize Trans-Am longer than the duration of a single GN Drive and can combine the forward GN binders from 0 Raiser and GN Swords to create Raiser Sword (massive beam saber) that can extend at great distances to cut down large objects like battle cruisers and satellite weapons.

An additional feature of 00-Raiser in Trans-Am Raiser is quantization. Quantization was coined by Ribbons Almark, a feature which allows 00 Raiser to flank its enemy targets through instant shift in location. Its properties weren't never clearly defined and it's often theorized as a form of short range spatial teleportation. In dire situations when an enemy target is about to fatally hit 00 Raiser, the Gundam is capable of instantly jumping away and flank it's enemy's position (usually several meters from behind or side). Quantization itself leaves a particle shadow of 00 Raiser, fooling the enemy of a false victorious blow. The maneuver often leaves the opponent confused and distracted long enough for 00 Raiser to do serious damage and/or defeating its enemy targets.

Trans-Am Burst System
00 Raiser in Trans-Am Burst

A special hidden ability of 00 Raiser triggered by a biometric scan upon detection of a true Innovator pilot, the Twin Drive System in conjunction with Trans-Am Raiser and the Innovator abilities of Setsuna, Trans-Am Burst super accelerates particle generation and floods a large area of space with concentrated GN particles in a green rainbow-like hue. The particles it generates has a similar effect to Trans-Am Raiser. Those within the particle cloud will have temporary telepathic communication at an extended period of time, relative to particle density in space. The system expands human consciousness (Setsuna's will) through purified GN particles that has the ability to disrupt quantum brainwaves of Innovades, repel nearby mobile suits, and distract enemy combatants as one large bursting energy wave. As a health benefit people afflicted with GN particle poisoning will be relieved of their symptoms and/or healed as a result of it. The full capabilities of this system are unclear.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Meisters Notes

Systems’ are...troublesome, right?!

Exia: Meister’s Notes

Tidak pernah kepikiran. Sebenarnya; belum....

“Halo. Aku Sumeragi Lee Noriega, supervisor di Ptolemaios untuk saat ini dan seterusnya.... Jadi namamu-“

Bahwa wanita di depannya ini adalah kurir menuju-

“Soran- Ibrahim.”


“Ah~ iya…tapi mulai sekarang tolong jangan gunakan nama itu.”

Upaya... untuk menyadarkan pemikiran bangsa yang –dengan sangat egois– disebutnya sebagai; Pecundang.

”Sekarang dan seterusnya Kau akan dipanggil dengan ’Setsuna-’. Setsuna F. Seiei....”

Peraturan pertama Meister: jangan sekalipun melihat buku dari covernya. Sederhana, tapi mematikan.


”Walau kau bilang begitu, Lockon...di mataku dia masih bocah!”

Hallelujah Haptism, laki-laki belasan tahun. Rambut cokelat, poni yang impresif... memangnya apa yang coba dia sembunyikan di baliknya?

”Huh. Kekanakan. Sekarang siapa yang bocah?”

Lockon Sratos... nama yang imajinatif. Apa katanya tadi? Mampu menembak target walau dari lapisan Sratosfer? Grup ini sungguh penuh orang-orang ajaib.

”Tidak penting bocah atau bukan, Hallelujah Haptism…. Lebih dari cukup kalau dia bisa berlaku selayaknya Gundam Meister….”

Tieria Erde. Berkacamata dan berkulit pucat. Pemikirannya terlalu masif…memangnya dia penganut paham kesempurnaan?

Trio impresif, imajinatif, dan masif....

Akankah jadi kwartet?

”Aku. Tidak keberatan kalian acuhkan.”

Ya. Yang dibutuhkannya adalah belajar menjadi Meister. Tidak ada gunanya memperdebatkan kelayakan....

Sebenarnya sedari tadi Setsuna bermaksud keluar dari lingkaran mood grup ini dan mempelajari banyak hal untuk GUNDAM-nya– sendirian, tentu saja.

Tapi satu tangan telah menangkapnya menuju jaring emosi yang lebih mengerikan daripada melihat saudara-saudaramu dibantai. Jaring emosi yang terkenal dengan sebutan; ikatan baru.

Jaring emosi mengerikan? Bagaimana bisa?

”Hei. Setsuna...Kau sekarang bagian dari tim kerja, lho– jangan langsung menilai kalau kami-kami ini tidak peduli padamu!”

”Sudah kubilang, aku tak keberatan.”

Seringai tipis. Tidak...bukan seringai! Itu senyuman.

Diulangi, Kwartet impresif, imajinatif, masif, dan akhirnya; masokis.

”Hallelujah! Ayo main strip-poker bertiga dengan Setsuna! Ehm, mungkin Tieria juga mau ikut?!”

“Hah?! Kenapa sekarang?! dan…strip-poker?!”


”Kelakuanmu memalukan nama Meister, Lockon Stratos.”

Seringai lagi. Bukan! Kali ini Lockon Stratos terbahak!

Kapan ya, terakhir kali mengawasi seseorang yang mulutnya terbuka sampai seperti itu....

”...jangan kaku begitu dong, Tieria! Ayo, ayo! sebelum paman Ian Vashti menyuruh Setsuna bermain-main dengan perangkat Exia~”

Pria yang terlalu santai! Terlalu santai…. Tipe yang identik dengan K.I.A.(1)

Himbauan keempat agar menjadi Meister yang awas: waspadalah dengan codename– [Lockon Stratos]. Pria yang takkan segan-segan merobek bajumu kalau Kau tak mau menuruti kemauannya melepas pakaian saat jadi tim yang kalah poker.


Luka terbakar, luka tembak, luka koyak, gegar otak, patah tulang, tertusuk panah berkarat... setelah terbiasa mengalami hal-hal luar biasa yang menguatkan fisik dan mental itu, Kau akan menjadi sangat asing dengan satu hal sederhana. Sama persis dialami Kamal Majirif a.k.a Setsuna F. Seiei kali ini; saat setiap kalimatmu didengarkan dengan sungguh-sungguh.

Baginya yang jarang menumpahkan perasaan, bertemu dengan Marina Ismail adalah ajang pembuktian. Entah atas dasar apa dia langsung bisa mengungkit kebobrokan masa lalu Kurdish di depan gadis Azadistan ini....

Bagaimana dia bisa membuka mulut, dan bagaimana Marina Ismail menatapnya dengan pandangan prihatin– adalah sekelumit kemenangan bagi Kurdish atas Azadistan. Sayangnya, itu hanyalah kemenangan personal....Kurdish sendiri sudah lebih dulu lebur sebelum ada yang mau mendengarkan.

”Setsuna, letakkan senjatamu. Mari bertikai dengan cerdas, kurangi pertumpahan darah...,”

Setsuna mengawasi Marina yang memunggunginya untuk membungkuk pada sesuatu, ”...lihat, di tengah padang gersang ini saja bisa tumbuh satu Krisan! Masih ada harapan untuk negeri ini!”

”Sebelumnya lihat pada dirimu sendiri– Marina Ismail...,” yang dipanggil, mendongak pada Setsuna setelah melihat-lihat hasil temuannya, ”... apa bagusnya memasang tampang seperti itu saat melihat Krisan?”

Marina Ismail, mulutnya membentuk senyuman tapi alisnya menyatu.

Apa bagus, memandang Krisan dengan tampang seperti itu?

“Apa ini semacam pertanyaan bagiku, Setsuna?”

”Iya. Itu kalau Kau bisa menjawabnya....”

”Hmm, kalau boleh pertanyaanmu akan kujawab saat Krisan-Krisan lainnya tumbuh–”

”Itu, kapan?”

Marina tersenyum lagi, tapi alisnya sudah tidak menyatu.

”Saat Kau dan semuanya percaya Krisan juga bisa tumbuh subur di daerah berpasir!”

...dan Setsuna hanya menjawab dengan dengusan.

Pelajaran Meister keduabelas: hentikan berargumentasi dengan wanita. Mereka lebih memilih intuisi daripada intelegensi.


Definisi musuh yaitu;

manusia penolak kewajaran yang tengah kauperjuangkan,

manusia yang tahu kelemahanmu,

dan manusia psikopat yang membuatmu muak.

Jika definisi itu diterapkan pada Setsuna, praktis dia memiliki banyak musuh– kenal maupun tidak.

Tapi, ’kewajaran’ yang tengah dia perjuangkan tidaklah begitu berbeda dengan manusia pada umumnya. Dengan kata lain kewajibannya melawan musuh penolak kewajaran akan minus nominal kewajiban manusia lain yang sependapat kalau dunia ini butuh kedamaian mutlak.

Plus, manusia psikopat merupakan pemilihan musuh yang paling tidak kreatif!

Bisa dikatakan, hampir seluruh penghuni bumi sudah psikopat dari sananya tergantung bagaimana orang itu menunjukkan keabnormalan di depan massa; diam-diam atau terang-terangan– maupun psikopat dalam arti mengkhianati diri serta psikopat dalam arti memperoleh gengsi.... Yang manapun, Setsuna mungkin sudah terbantu oleh kehadiran para anti-psikopat a.k.a manusia-manusia pemerhati kejujuran dan keadilan.

Terakhir, manusia yang tahu kelemahanmu... dan sering disalahartikan sebagai teman.

Bukankah itu berarti perbedaan teman dan musuh hanya setipis membran bimolekuler? Lagi-lagi asumsi ini sebanding dengan berapa banyak batasan-batasan yang bisa Kau buat sebagai benteng pertahanan diri. Setsuna memilih: jangan mudah percaya pada orang. Sedikit lebih bijaksana daripada: hati-hati pada orang yang menyapamu dengan ramah, padahal baru pertama ketemu.

Ali Al-Sarchez mungkin memiliki definisi psikopat dan penolak kewajaran stadium parah– tapi dengan fatalnya dia tidak tahu kelemahan Setsuna; setidaknya setelah Setsuna bukan lagi bocah gerilyawan Kurdish dan bukan lagi bocah yang mau disuruh membunuh orang-orang yang dianggapnya berharga. Dengan minus kategori ’tahu kelemahan lawan’, maka Al-Sarchez bisa dikatakan sebagai musuh.

Setsuna F. Seiei seorang Mistress, pilot Exia, rela memendam idealisme masa lalunya demi menjadi biang keonaran baru untuk menggoyahkan sistem stabil yang monoton oleh kepalsuan. Bagaimana seorang Al-Sarchez bisa tidak puas?! Anak hasil uji coba cuci-otaknya telah berhasil menjadi pribadi yang matang dengan penghancuran dan keputus-asaan. Bocah itu... bisa jadi musuh yang hebat.

Jadi ternyata– duo labil ini sudah menandai takdir masing-masing sebagai lawan yang harus dibasmi.

“Bocah Kurdish, eh?”

Senyum kemenangan terkembang dari sesosok dalam kokpit Flag merah.

Sementara itu Setsuna, dari dalam Exia, hanya bisa berteriak, ”Ali Al-Sarchez!”


Apa dia musuh?

Tentu saja! dia membunuh!

Kalau begitu, aku juga sama...musuh bagi kenalan orang-orang yang kubunuh!

Tapi kau lain! kau tidak menikmatinya

Sejak kapan alasan itu menjadi pembenaran?

Hah! Sejak Kau membunuh orangtuamu, tentu!


Jadi. Sebenarnya...musuh itu apa?

Dirimu sendiri

Pelajaran menjadi Mistress, nomor delapanbelas: kenali musuhmu.


Setsuna F. Seiei a.k.a Soran Ibrahim.

Atau Kamal Majirif.

Atau GUNDAM Meister; pilot Exia.

Apapun itu sudah tidak penting.

Membuang dan kehilangan nama itu sepele jika dibandingkan dengan kehilangan orangtua, jiwa, kerabat, teman, sahabat. Benar, benar….

”Hei, Setsuna~ apa Kau, sudah menemukan jawaban atas... dunia menjengkelkan... ini?! Lihat… lihat~ sudah kucoba meraih bulatan biru menyedihkan itu.... Hah~ mengesalkan sekali ya…tanganku– masih kurang lebar, aku–masih–belum–bisa–meraihnya... bumi....”

”Lockon Stratos!”

Neil Dylandy a.k.a Lockon Stratos, yang memilih untuk tidak membuang namanya.

Benar ’kan...

Dia tipe ideal untuk prajurit K.I.A....(1)

Peraturan penting nomor duapuluh untuk para Meister: jangan merencanakan kematianmu sendiri sebelum seluruh misi selesai.


Tieria Erde bisa saja menyalahkan pilot Exia.

Terserah, karena saat ini dia tidak bertindak sebagai pilot Exia.

Dia adalah seorang teman; yang kehilangan teman.

Feldt si rambut merah yang memeluk Haro sambil menangis...memasang tampang sama seperti Marina Ismail saat membicarakan Krisan....

Sepertinya nyaman juga, memasang tampang begitu.

”Setsuna juga– apa tidak ada yang ingin kaukirimi surat?”

Feldt menatapnya dari dalam kokpit Dynames, yang dua jam sebelumnya masih diduduki Lockon Stratos (Lockon dengan salah satu tatapan di balik penutup mata seakan memberi impresi; ‘aku juga ikut bertempur!’).... Waktu adalah kesenjangan kenangan yang kalau tidak berharga– juga cukup mengesalkan. Coba tadi dia bisa mencegah Lockon duduk di kokpit itu!

”...tidak ada.”

”Oh. Menyedihkan sekali….”

”...iya, ya....”

Sebenarnya Setsuna tidak identik dengan bahasa surat karena terlalu banyak ekspresi semu dari gaya penulisannya– refleksi dari ketidakmatangan kehendak. Lagipula dia hanya ingin didengarkan, bukan dibaca…. Ya, didengarkan!

Tapi Setsuna bergeming pada satu orang, gadis yang sejauh ini bisa bertahan mendengarkan: Marina Ismail.

Apa wanita itu, selain mau mendengarkan– juga masih mau membaca?!

Catatan keduapuluhsatu: temukan seseorang yang bisa menjadi tempat sampah. Lebih baik perempuan, karena dia bisa mendengarkan dan mau membaca.


”Jadi, Haro...dia melawan Ali Al-Sarchez?!”

Haro yang tidak diberi kemampuan menanggapi rangsangan kumulatif penanya, tidak merespon apapun. Haro hanya membiarkan Setsuna mengutak-atik kabel memorinya dalam diam.

”Ali Al-Sarchez... dia balas dendam pada laki-laki itu? Lalu mati?!”

Balas dendam lalu mati.

Kalimat itu terpantul menyedihkan di ruang kosong di otaknya.

Balas dendam, lalu mati!

Sebenarnya bukan kematian yang konyol, jika dilihat dari sudut pandang pengorbanan.

Itu bukannya kompensasi mengada-ada hanya karena Lockon adalah sahabatnya yang berharga, bukan... karena– bagaimanapun, Ali Al-Sarchez adalah musuh mereka semua. Bukan musuh Lockon seorang. Setidaknya Lockon telah–

Tapi tetap saja....

Realita Meister nomor duapuluhdua: GUNDAM Meister adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak korban persembahan bagi pertumbuhan Krisan-Krisan baru di padang pasir.


Legenda terciptanya satu ‘kewajaran’ adalah dari ribuan pengorbanan.

Jadi, mengapa berkeluh-kesah?

Masih banyak yang seperti Lockon Stratos di dunia ini. Masih banyak, bahkan lebih banyak dari ‘ribuan’….


Yea… Mission: Incomplete

Die Kurte Diktionarie: (1) K.I.A = Killed In Action

Bottom PELACUR (PELaku CURhat) (A//N) ??? nyasar

Auferiee: Nyaahaa~~~ (jambak rambut) Huwee~ TTwTT Satu kata: Ancur! Beberapa kata: Gue bikin cerita apa’an neeeh????!! Ngaco! Ngaco!

Setsuna: ..... (baca seluruh Meister’s notes. by: Author sambil melotot)

Auferiee: (meluk-meluk gak jelas, langsung tembak ditempat) Gomen, Soran-kun! (ngangkat tangan yang berlubang-lubang) Tapi luh ya…sok melankolis buanget tahu!! Gue benci karakter cowok begitu! Bikin gemes! makanya gue buat yang nggak sengsara-sengsara amat, tapi dasarnya gak tegaan, yasud…dibuat lebih gak jelas! (?!) (dipanah pake paku karatan) Anyway…ada yang ‘menggerayangi’ fandom GUNDAM 00 gak yak?! Ini satu-satunya fandom dimana gue bisa nulis serius (yang kayak gitu serius??)

Setsuna: …. (tangan masih gatel mau menampar si author)

Auferiee: Lagi-lagi Gomen…yang nggak liat animenya mungkin pada nggak ngerti segala maksud-kaitan-runtutan-permainan kata-kata Gue… ngaku nggak?! yang ngakunya bisa ngerti, berarti sama edannya dengan author! (Mohoahahahaha–seneng bisa menjebak orang-). Tapi jujur buanget: Gue paling nggak suka GUNDAM version 2002-an (SEED, SEED~Destiny, 00, dan sejenisnya)!! terlalu drama, choy!! Idola Gue tentu aja masih Wing~ tapi lagi-lagi…nggak PeDe nulis fict anime fave-Gue~! (penyakit parno). Makanya, fict ini beneran malah jadi- *mrinding* DRAMA banget TTATT…Benci! Benci! Tapi apa boleh buat, sebagai manusia biadab (??) Gue dengan senengnya menerima kritikan super pedes dari senior Nijyuuyon (itu beneran umur sampeyan toh? yokei! mulai sekarang, mohon kritikannya lagi dan lagi sampai Saya muak bikin fict yak!), trus dengan lancangnya nekat diupload di FFN. Wuoh! Tolong hentikan niat Gue (minjem kata fave-nya Alluka Niero) me-nista-i fandom GUNDAM. WUOOOOHHHH!!! (keliling kamar, setengah-telanjang).

Setsuna: ......(siap-siap stunt gun)

Lockon (bangkit dari semesta- dia ’kan nggak dikubur!)

: Mbak Author~ PROTES!! Kok bisa-bisanya Saya mengusulkan permainan mesum begitu?! Hayo, tanggung juawab! (nggebrak leptopnya Author)

Auferiee : Maaf, Masnya... (nyambar leptop yang udah penyok sambil nangis-nangis) Saya tidak menerima kritik semacam itu. Namanya juga fanfict! FAN!! FIKSI!!! unleashed yer IMAGINATIONs, that based from OWN perceptions, that resemble yer BASIC intuitions OF personality AFFAIRs and CRAZYNESSes!! Nah, lhoh…. Kesimpulannya; Gue gila ‘kan?! Berkompromi sama orang gila itu buang waktu. Sana deh! syuh…syuh!

Lockon & Setsuna (naik ke GUNDAM masing-masing)

: -Bip- Ptolemaios…begin massacre?

Sumeragi: -Bzzt- Aye…aye, Dynames, Exia. Countdown three…two…

Auferiee: Wah, seru tuh. Gue bakal diapain yak? Oh. Sebelum tubuh berceceran, punya satu permintaan….



-matur nuwun-