Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

00 Gundam Technology

The 00 Gundam's arsenal consists of a small assortment of weapons, including GN Beam Sabers and GN Sword II's--a refinement to the GN-001 Gundam Exia's existing Seven Sword technology: in particular, the GN Long & Short Blades. Drawing inspiration from the GN Sword, this weapon incorporates a beam rifle configuration to the melee-oriented GN Blade function giving it much needed projectile-fire capability, along with the traditional hand-held approach for more overall versatility. The GN-Sword II firepower is powerful enough to take out an Ahead mobile suit in one shot.

A tactical drawback of the Twin Drive System is the way the GN Drives are mounted upon 00's shoulders. They aren't shielded and depend on the pilot's capabilities to compensate 00's weaknesses/deficiencies. Should 00 Gundam lose a GN Drive in combat, it can still operate, but have difficulty of executing higher functions because the unit has high GN particle requirements.

Because 00 is a experimental MS, the unit also suffers from power stability issues and requires constant maintenance. 00's Twin Drive System was imperfect and requires 0 Raiser (00 Raiser) to safely execute Trans-Am and provide protection upon the GN Drives. 00 Raiser became the mainstay form of 00 Gundam to effectively combat A-Laws and Innovators enemy mobile units. As 00 Raiser, the unit has greater GN particle generation and the use of the Raiser System.

The Raiser System allows 00 Raiser to execute powerful attacks such as a mega beam saber called Raiser Sword, hyper vector close range combat, and utilize Trans-Am with greater power and duration. 00 Raiser originally needed both its GN Swords to produce Raiser Sword, but was later upgraded with GN Sword III. The new sword was able to utilize the power of the Raiser System to generate a refined Raiser Sword. The power of 00 Raiser is further enhanced with the neural interface of an Innovator pilot. The Innovator pilot can execute Trans-Am Burst, which results in a massive burst of GN particles within a large area of space. Overall, 00 Raiser is a Gundam that exceeds in performance to all mobile suits.

edit Armaments

GN Beam Saber

Stored behind 00 Gundam's waist, when used, the sabers move from vertical position to horizontal position so it's easier to draw them. When drawn, the Beam Saber emits blade of GN particles. Made of pure beam, it's stronger than physical blade; it is affected by atmosphere conditions, causing the beam to disperse and weaken as a result. By changing the energy output, GN Beam Saber can be configured into GN Beam Dagger, used to throw against distant enemies. Because of Setsuna's preference of using his GN Swords, he only uses them as a last resort.

GN Shield

The shield(s) is made of E-Carbon (a very durable material) and infused with GN particles. Combined it with GN Field, it is a formidable defense system. 00 Gundam is equipped with 2 of these shields and can be combined into a bigger shield. The defense strength of the shield is relative to the GN particle output of 00 Gundam. It's used mainly to shield against beam firing as it can be destroyed by beam saber attacks (destroyed by Mr.Bushido/Sakigake). It can be also mounted on 00's shoulders and/or the binders of 0 Raiser. The tips of the shields are sharp and can be attached on 00 Gundam's forearms as katar-like weapons for melee combat. The shield wasn't used much battle as 00 is capable of generating its own GN Field and relied on high-speed combat to avoid hits.

GN Sword II

An improved model of Gundam Exia's main weapon, it can change its function through rotating its front part. There are 3 modes: Rifle Mode to be used as a gun, the physical blade Sword Mode, and Beam Saber Mode which emits blade made of pure beam. The swords can also be combined to become a GN Sword-staff. Even though it can change its function in a second, there's time lag when 00 Gundam drawing the weapon(s), two were given to compensate. The overall capabilities of these features are enhanced through the power of Trans-Am Raiser.

Beam Saber Mode

In its sword mode, the gun aspects of the weapon generates a cutting beam that envelopes the sword, forming a large and powerful beam saber, Raiser Sword. The strength and power is also relative to the GN particle output to its function. This feature was never seen functioning without Trans-Am, suggesting that executing this weapon function is high GN particle consuming ability.

Rifle Mode

The GN Sword II rotates a 90 degree turn (from sword mode) and the hilt bends to become a gun handle. The weapon can fire single pulse shots or rapid fire a hail of light beam fire. Because of the dual functioning aspects the weapon, GN Sword II can fire long distance beams like a traditional beam rifle and/or fire cutting beams (shaped like birds) to cut through enemy units in half.

Sword Mode

The primary function of the weapon, a GN particle infused vibro-blade(s) that can physically penetrate GN Fields and cut through thick armor. The strength and power of the sword is relative to the GN particle output of the weapon. Depending on the GN particles condensed into the blade, the weapon can be weaker than a GN Beam Saber or superior. Two were made and can be combined to become a GN Sword-Staff to enhance the combat capabilities of 00 Gundam.

GN Sword III

The latest addition to 00's arsenal, the GN Sword III is an improved retro design of Gundam Astraea's Proto GN Sword Gundam Exia's GN Sword. The functionality between alternating modes have been improved as it only takes a fraction of a second to switch function modes. The blade is made of the same materials that are used to make GN Condensers, developed through the data of the 00 Seven Sword armaments. The weapon overall was designed to utilize the combat potential of Trans-Am Raiser.

Beam Saber Mode

Like GN Sword II, the gun aspects of the weapon unleashes a cutting beam that envelopes the sword and turn the GN Blade into a massive GN Beam Saber. Combined with the power of Trans-Am Raiser, the sword then becomes the new Raiser Sword, a powerful and massive beam saber that can cut more than 3 battle cruisers.

Rifle Mode

A triple-barrel beam gun, the weapon is able to rapid fire pulse shots. The power of Trans-Am Riser allows the rifle to fire powerful beams at great distances and capable of incinerating space cruisers with a single shot.

Sword Mode

Similar to Exia's GN Sword, GN Sword III is GN particle infused vibro-blade that can penetrate GN Fields and take advantage(s) of the power of Trans-Am Raiser. The new blade was designed to effectively handle against beam saber weapons and its overall length and size has been increased for higher combat efficiency.

edit System Features

GN Field

00 Gundam is capable of generating its own GN Field, created directly from the twin GN drives. The shoulder mounted GN Drives can make a 180 degree face-forward-turn that can create a barrier-like wall of GN particles. The field wall is generated by the swirling GN particles directly from the GN Drives. 00 can generate a traditional full sphere particle GN Field, depending on the combat situation.

Trans-Am System

Trans Am works conjunction with 00’s Twin Drive System, allowing 00 to utilize GN energy at unstable levels. 00 Gundam’s Trans-Am system is capable of generating GN particle output to 2nd power. Due to the experimental design of the Twin Drive System, Trans Am can destabilize the synchronizing process of the GN Drives and/or overwhelm the MS frame and cause an overload, the worse case scenario being the self-destruction of the GN Drives. It was because of such mechanical concerns that Trans-Am was highly recommended not to be used until the system complications are corrected. Ultimately 00 Gundam's technical complications couldn't be corrected without the addition of new equipment. The solution(s) to 00 Gundam's Trans-Am system came in the form of energy stabilizer equipment, built onto 0 Raiser.

When Trans-Am is activated with the 0-Raiser equiped, GN particles would burst concentrated particles within a limited circumference of 00 Raiser. At times, a 00 (signifying 00 and infinity) can be seen when the system is activated. Through the power of synchronized GN Drive Trans-Am power, supernatural-like abilities are given to both 00 Raiser and its pilots. The surrounding battlefield encircling 00 Raiser would give the pilot(s) and its enemy targets the ability to read the thoughts and intentions of others in a limited area. This gives the pilot(s) to temporarily detect and communicate with people around each other telepathically. Multiple exposures to such high grade particles can lead to innovation.

Twin Drive System

The utilization of synchronized GN Drives can create awesome power, but was never successfully developed until now. 00's synchronized Twin Drive System allows 00 for high speed combat and immediate GN Field generation, as well as increased particle output. The power output is so high that it can bend GN energy at a focal direction and push back or block beam shots.

Raiser System

The Raiser System is the peripheral power of 0 Raiser when docked with 00 Gundam. In the 00 Raiser form, synchronous particle generation reaches 100% production (approx 87% without 0 Raiser) and gives 00 Gundam enhanced speed and power; while 0 Raiser can be used without a pilot, it requires one for complicated functions when it comes to calibrations, system adjustments, and mechanical control to effectively utilize the system. It's an overall massive GN particle charge that allows 00 Raiser to perform high energy consuming functions such as the Trans-Am Raiser System.

Trans-Am Raiser

Trans-Am Raiser is the execution of Trans-Am System in conjunction with 00's Twin Drive System in its 00 Raiser form. With 0 Raiser's GN particle stabilizer/regulator equipment, Trans-Am can be safely executed and the GN particle output is enhanced approximately 300%; GN particle generation is known to reach higher thresholds, 7x and beyond. When activated, 00 Raiser seemingly (duration relative to plot, undefined/unproven specs) can utilize Trans-Am longer than the duration of a single GN Drive and can combine the forward GN binders from 0 Raiser and GN Swords to create Raiser Sword (massive beam saber) that can extend at great distances to cut down large objects like battle cruisers and satellite weapons.

An additional feature of 00-Raiser in Trans-Am Raiser is quantization. Quantization was coined by Ribbons Almark, a feature which allows 00 Raiser to flank its enemy targets through instant shift in location. Its properties weren't never clearly defined and it's often theorized as a form of short range spatial teleportation. In dire situations when an enemy target is about to fatally hit 00 Raiser, the Gundam is capable of instantly jumping away and flank it's enemy's position (usually several meters from behind or side). Quantization itself leaves a particle shadow of 00 Raiser, fooling the enemy of a false victorious blow. The maneuver often leaves the opponent confused and distracted long enough for 00 Raiser to do serious damage and/or defeating its enemy targets.

Trans-Am Burst System
00 Raiser in Trans-Am Burst

A special hidden ability of 00 Raiser triggered by a biometric scan upon detection of a true Innovator pilot, the Twin Drive System in conjunction with Trans-Am Raiser and the Innovator abilities of Setsuna, Trans-Am Burst super accelerates particle generation and floods a large area of space with concentrated GN particles in a green rainbow-like hue. The particles it generates has a similar effect to Trans-Am Raiser. Those within the particle cloud will have temporary telepathic communication at an extended period of time, relative to particle density in space. The system expands human consciousness (Setsuna's will) through purified GN particles that has the ability to disrupt quantum brainwaves of Innovades, repel nearby mobile suits, and distract enemy combatants as one large bursting energy wave. As a health benefit people afflicted with GN particle poisoning will be relieved of their symptoms and/or healed as a result of it. The full capabilities of this system are unclear.

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